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Десятая международная конференция "Науки о наноматериалах и нанотехнологии" (NN13)

Ключевые слова:  биоматериалы, графен, доставка лекарств, коммерциализация, моделирование, нанобиотехнологии, нанокомпозиты, нанолитография, наномедицина, наносенсоры, нанотрубки, оптоэлектроника, органические полупроводники, плазмоника, самосборке, топливные ячейки, фотоника, фуллерены

26 января 2013

Десятая международная конференция "Науки о наноматериалах и нанотехнологии" (NN13) состоится 9-12 июля в г. Салоники, Греция.

Welcome to NN13 !
The NN is the Internationally established world-class event in Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies (N&N) that focuses on the latest advances on N&N and promotes profound scientific discussions between scientists and researchers from different disciplines. Front-line experts from multidisciplinary research and application areas are encouraged to join this conference, to discuss the benefits of N&N in their R&D efforts, to advance the networking and collaborating between different academia, research and industry players in the field and to stimulate the exchange of educational concepts.

NN13 conference will be comprised of associated Workshops and Special Sessions, covering the latest developments in the fields:


The fields of the Plasmonics, Nanoelectronics, Clean Energy are some of the most rapidly growing sectors of the modern science and technology. Today, many resources and investments from government agencies, research institutes and local industries are devoted to the developments of materials, processes, instrumentation, and equipment for such devices and products.

The Workshop on Plasmonics – Nanoelectronics & Clean Energy has the goal of fostering research, collaboration and providing advanced training in Plasmonics & Nanoelectronics and Energy applications of Nanotechnology in physical, chemical and engineering sciences. It will serve as a forum for scientists, engineers and industrials from all around the world where there will be exchange of information and provision of access to the latest developments of several topics covering photonics, nanoelectronics, materials, photovoltaics inorganic, organic, dyes, hybrid, device structures, system integrations, manufacturing processes, characterization and monitoring, product applications and business opportunities.

Fundamentals from Electronics to Energy
Self organized molecules and systems
Nanotechnology for Thermal Solar
Energy Harvesting and Storage
Advances on Thermoelectric materials & devices
Molecular electronics and photonics

Nanoplasmonic Functional Materials (Development, Characterization, Applications)
Organic Semiconductors
Photovoltaics inorganic materials and concepts
Metallic nanostructures for Plasmonics applications

Devices & Applications
Organic and hybrid nanostructured devices
Fuel cells (processing, testing, demonstration)
Thin Film Photovoltaics
LEDs: Display and lighting
Plasmonics Devices
Dye Sensitized Solar Cells
MEMS, NEMS, Nanosensors and Biosensors

Processes & Characterisation
Interface phenomenon in thin film deposition
New properties at interfaces
Characterisation techniques for nanophotonics: SNOM, EELS, time resolved etc
Instrumentation, Nanometrology and Nanotools

For better Understanding, Theory & Computations (in conjunction with the other NN13 Workshops)
Theory underlying materials' properties and processes at the nano-scale
Modeling and computational approaches for the design of novel materials
Theory and computational studies of the structural and mechanical properties
Modern calculations for the prediction and characterization of the optoelectronic properties
Theoretical-computational modeling of devices or processes for the optimization of performance
Latest developments in methodologies and computational science for nanotechnology

Commercialization in Nanoelectronics and Energy

Joined sessions with the Workshops 2, 3 will be organized.


The scope of this workshop is to be a major meeting place of scientists and engineers from all over the world, who are active in studying the growth, processing and characterization of nanomaterials. The common place of the workshop is that the form of the concerned materials should be associated with the nanoscale and/or their properties should be manifested at the nanoscale.

Workshop 2 topics at a glance:

Graphene and Nano-Carbon (K. Porfyrakis & N. Tagmatarchis)

Polymer Nanotechnology (S. Anastasiadis)

Nanomaterials, Development, Properties & Characterization (P. Patsalas)
Organic-inorganic nanohybrids
Quantum dots, quantum wires and methods for their growth and self assembly
Nanostructured thin films (e.g. superlattices and multilayers)
Self assembled molecular materials
Nanopowders and granular materials in nanoscale
Synthesis, Processing & Characterisation of Nanomaterials and Thin Films
Laser and photon for synthesis, structuring, processing of nanomaterials
Instrumentation, Nanometrology and Nanotools
Opto-Electronic properties of hybrid and composite materials and devices
Magnetic properties of nanocomposites and multilayers
Biological, catalytic, electrochemical, hydrophobic properties of patterned nanosurfaces
Enhanced mechanical properties due to nanostructuring
Size-dependent properties of nanomaterials
Nanomechanics, Nanoindentation and Nanotribology

For better Understanding, Theory & Computations (M. Damnjanovic & P. Kelires) (in conjunction with the other NN13 Workshops)
Theory underlying materials' properties and processes at the nano-scale.
Modeling and computational approaches for the design of novel materials.
Theory and computational studies of the structural and mechanical properties.
Modern calculations for the prediction and characterization of the optoelectronic properties.
Theoretical-computational modeling of devices or processes for the optimization of performance.
Latest developments in methodologies and computational science for nanotechnology.

Nanoconstruction and Buildings (M. Stefanidou)
Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials in Construction
From macro to nano in Consctruction
Nano-materials & Nano-construction
Achievements of Nanotechnology in construction
Physical and Mechanical properties at nanoscale of the Constructive Materials
Nanomaterials & Green Nano-construction
Computational Modelling in Nano-construction.
Nanomaterials for protection and decoration
Nanostructured and composite materials for buildings

Biomaterials at Nanoscale (complementary to W3) (R. Bizios)
Biomaterials (Metals, Polymers, Ceramics, Glasses)
Natural Materials
Biomimetic & Smart Materials
Composites & Porous Materials

Commercialization in NANO- Materials, Equipment & Processes

[ View the Nanomedicine Brochure ]

Nanomedicine Workshop provides medical doctors, engineers, scientists, new researchers and stakeholders from different disciplines with a unique and exciting format to learn the most current information about nanomedicine advances in the early diagnosis and treatment of diseases. It will be a perfect platform to share, experience, foster collaborations across health care, pharmaceutical, biotech & diagnostic industries with hospitals and academia.

There is an enormous gap between clinical practice and Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies. This workshop attempts to fill this gap more perfectly and more currently by enlisting world renowned speakers and stakeholders in Nanomedicine with up-to-date information towards unmet clinical needs. It will feature a scientific program of comprehensive talks, special sessions, debates, oral and poster presentations of peer-reviewed contributions to showcase the most recently breaking research development, discovery, industrial progress and milestones in Nanomedical, Nanobiotechnology, Regenerative Medicine and Nanopharmaceutics R & D.

Nanomedicine Workshop will address progress and prospects for nanomedicine including, in-vitro and in-vivo diagnostics, biosensors, imaging, targeted drug delivery, nanomaterials, regenerative medicine. Updates on preclinical and clinical trials, clinical hurdles in a wide spectrum of diseases (Oncology, Cardiovascular Disease, Orthopaedics, Neurodegenerative, Infections, Diabetes, Ophthalmology etc) and nanomedicine- oriented solutions will be presented. Nanotoxicology and ethics will constitute the controversial issues to be discussed.

Together with the co-located Bioelectronics Workshop, it will provide the latest advances on biosensors and bioactuators from bench to bedside. Fundamentals on biosensor design and manufacturing will be covered and translated into clinical applications.

The Nanomedicine Workshop covers (but not limited to) the following key topics:

Basics related with Medicine, Biology and Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology in Biology
Biological Systems (from biomolecules to cells and organisms) and Biological Structures
Self-assembly and self-organization
Nanotechnology for Health and Food products
Cell/Nanomaterial Interactions
Nanophotonics in nature and adapted to biomimetic and biosensors for active nanosystems

Nanomaterials in any form
Nanostructures for medical applications
Nanofibres, Nanoparticles and Nanotubes

Clinical Applications
Versatile Nanotech tools and nanomaterials in Medicine
Biomaterials and Nanomaterials for biosensing, imaging, diagnostic and vectorization
In-vitro Diagnostics: Biosensors, Lab-on-chips, biomarkers
In-vivo Diagnostics and imaging
Targeted Drug Delivery
Regenerative Nanomedicine
Stem Cells, Cellular & Tissue Engineering
Nanodrugs and Nanopharmacy
Nanomedicine Targeting Major Diseases (Cardiovascular, Oncology, Diabetes, Orthopaedics,Neurodegenerative, Infections, Hematology, Ophthalmology etc)

Update on Preclinical and Clinical trials on Nanomedicine
Nanotoxicity, Risk Assessment and Ethics
Commercialization in Nanomedicine

NEW nanotox "special-poster-award" in the thematic field of "nanotoxicology in the physiological context" sponsored by the BioNanoNet Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
-- review will be done by EURO-NanoTox-Letters (online-Journal) Editors --

View the Nanomedicine poster

[View the Bioelectronics Workshop Brochure]

The Bioelectronics Workshop will focus on the latest advances in the areas of biosensors and bioactuators from bench to bedside. Fundamentals on biosensor design and manufacturing will be covered and translated into clinical applications. This will cover the areas of Organic Electronics (in parallel to the ISFOE13) and Nanomedicine (in parallel to the NN13)

Fundamentals from Materials to Biology and Medicine
The interface of organic electronic materials with cells, neurons, drug actuation
Electrons and ions at the interface with Biology
Active Nanosystems from bench to bedside
( Nanobiosensors, nanomaterials & nanoanalytical systems for diagnosis and therapy of diseases)
Organic and Hybrid nanomaterials
Stimuli-responsive materials
Biosensor design and manufacturing
Biomolecular Dynamics
Biosensing at biological interfaces

Biosensors and Bioactuators (L. Torsi)
Immuno Sensors, Photonic Sensors and Chemical Sensors
DNA chips & Nucleic Acid Sensors
Enzyme-based biosensors
Biomaterials and Biosensors
Electrochemical transistors

Biological and Clinical Applications (V. Karagkiozaki)
Organic Bioelectronics
Bioelectronics for neurodegenerative, cardiovascular, orthopaedic and other diseases
Biosensors in Drug Delivery
Bioelectronics for Tissue Regeneration
Printed Electronics & Bioelectronics Network for medical devices, implants
Bionic Devices and Prostheses
ICT for Wireless Biomedical Sensor Applications

Commercialization in Biosensors and Diagnostic systems
Round Table: Bioelectronics target Clinical Practice

There is an opportunity for dramatically increased synergy between bioelectronics and medicine. In this Round Table, experts in bioelectronics will discuss with medical doctors about the cross-cutting challenges in the prevention, accurate diagnosis and therapy of human diseases. Point-of-care medical devices, biosensors and bioactuators will be presented for the fight against Diabetes, Infectious and Inflammatory Diseases, Neurodegenerative Disease, Epilepsy, Atherosclerosis etc. Clinical hurdles will be addressed to pave the way for the clinical applicability of bioelectronics.

Check out the Bioelectronics Workshop poster!!!

Abstract Submission Deadline: 22nd March 2013

Ковер Серпинского
Ковер Серпинского

Наносистемы: физика, химия, математика (2024, Т. 15, № 2)
Опубликован новый номер журнала "Наносистемы: физика, химия, математика". Ознакомиться с его содержанием, а также скачать необходимые Вам статьи можно по адресу: http://nanojournal.ifmo.ru/articles/volume15/15-2
Там же можно скачать номер журнала целиком.

Наносистемы: физика, химия, математика (2024, Т. 15, № 1)
Опубликован новый номер журнала "Наносистемы: физика, химия, математика". Ознакомиться с его содержанием, а также скачать необходимые Вам статьи можно по адресу: http://nanojournal.ifmo.ru/articles/volume15/15-1
Там же можно скачать номер журнала целиком.

Наносистемы: физика, химия, математика (2023, Т. 14, № 5)
Опубликован новый номер журнала "Наносистемы: физика, химия, математика". Ознакомиться с его содержанием, а также скачать необходимые Вам статьи можно по адресу: http://nanojournal.ifmo.ru/articles/volume14/14-5
Там же можно скачать номер журнала целиком.

Материалы к защитам магистерских квалификационных работ на ФНМ МГУ в 2024 году
коллектив авторов
29 – 31 мая пройдут защиты магистерских квалификационных работ выпускниками Факультета наук о материалах МГУ имени М.В.Ломоносова.

Материалы к защитам магистерских квалификационных работ на ФНМ МГУ в 2023 году
коллектив авторов
30 мая - 01 июня пройдут защиты магистерских квалификационных работ выпускниками Факультета наук о материалах МГУ имени М.В.Ломоносова.

Эра технопредпринимательства

В эпоху коронавируса и борьбы с ним в существенной степени меняется парадигма выполнения творческих работ и ведения бизнеса, в той или иной мере касаясь привлечения новых типов дистанционного взаимодействия, использования виртуальной реальности и элементов искусственного интеллекта, продвинутого сетевого маркетинга, использования современных информационных технологий и инновационных подходов. В этих условиях важным является, насколько само общество готово к использованию этих новых технологий и как оно их воспринимает. Данной проблеме и посвящен этот небольшой опрос, мы будет рады, если Вы уделите ему пару минут и ответите на наши вопросы.

Технопредпринимательство в эпоху COVID-19

Небольшой опрос о том, как изменились подходы современного предпринимательства в контексте новых и возникающих форм ведения бизнеса, онлайн образования, дистанционных форм взаимодействия и коворкинга в эпоху пандемии COVID - 19.


Технопредпринимательство - идея, которая принесет свои плоды при бережном культивировании и взращивании. И наша наноолимпиада, и Наноград от Школьной Лиги РОСНАНО, и проект Стемфорд, и другие замечательные инициативы - важные шаги на пути реализации этой и других идей, связанных с развитием новых высоких технологий в нашей стране и привлечением молодых талантов в эту вполне стратегическую область. Ниже приведен небольшой опрос, который позволит и нам, и вам понять, а что все же значит этот модный термин, и какова его суть.

Сайт создан в 2006 году совместными усилиями группы сотрудников и выпускников ФНМ МГУ.
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