The XXIII International Conference on Relaxation Phenomena in Solids, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the V.S. Postnikov birth, September 16 – 19, 2015, Voronezh, Russia.
I. Theory of relaxation phenomena
1.1. Quantum relaxation mechanisms
1.2. Classical mechanisms of relaxation phenomena
1.3. Electron and phonon relaxation
1.4. Relaxation phenomena in the process of external influence on the material
II. Mechanical relaxation
2.1. Aftereffect and stress relaxation
2.2. Internal friction, which is associated with micro- and macrodefects in metals
2.2.1. Point defects
2.2.2. Dislocation
2.2.3. Interphase and domain boundaries
2.2.4. Materials after severe plastic deformation
2.3. Internal friction in solids
2.3.1. Metals and alloys
2.3.2. Semiconductors
2.3.3. Oxide glasses and ceramics
2.3.4. Polymers and composites based on them
2.3.5. Oxide superconductors
2.3.6. Superionic conductors
2.3.7. Ferroelastics and ferroelectrics
2.4. Long-term processes of change in the structure and materials properties
2.5. Materials fatigue and creep
III. Dielectric relaxation
3.1. Dielectric relaxation in phase transitions
3.2. Dipole glasses and relaxors
3.3. Ferroelectromagnets and magnetoelectric composites
3.4. Degradation of material parameters
IV. Magnetic relaxation
4.1. Ferromagnets
4.2. Spin glasses
4.3. Superparamagnets
4.4. Magnetic colloids and liquid
4.5. Magnetic semiconductors
V. Relaxation in nanosystems
5.1. Graphenes, fullerenes and carbon nanotubes
5.2. Amorphous metal alloys
5.3. Nanocrystalline solids
5.4. Nanocomposites
5.5. Thin films and multilayer structures
5.5. Heterostructure
VI. Miscellanea
6.2. Hydrogen in metals and semiconductors
6.3. Relaxation in strongly nonequilibrium conditions
6.4. Relaxation in biomaterials
VII. Methods and apparatus for measuring relaxation phenomena Deadlines:
Pre-registration– May 01, 2015
Abstracts – May 30, 2015
Papers – September 01, 2015